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313 reviews

What's Inside a Flower?: And Other Questions about Science & Nature by Rachel Ignotofsky

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informative medium-paced


This book is really educational in a lovely way. This book is quite enlightening, especially for those who wish to learn more about flowers, so the readers —children, teachers, carers, or adults— would love to learn about plants and wildflowers through it.
Animal Farm by George Orwell

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dark reflective fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. ❞

Isn’t it ironic how I didn’t feel surprised because the topic in this book is still relevant and pertinent to today’s matters in so many ways? Well, it somehow scares me, not going to lie. Even still, the writing style in this book is something that I adore, because of how in the world, real issues like this or whatever you call it can stay it still leaves traces of faery myths even though decades have passed— Providing a more accessible means of comprehending communism, its principles, and the reasons behind its downfall, without requiring one to study its past. Yes, the writing and the entire characters are so thoughtful and reflective. It is unquestionably a must-read for everyone, and this book is well worth your time whether you read it quickly or analyse it in depth.

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The Betrayals by Bridget Collins

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dark mysterious slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ These are the times that scare her the most, the beginnings and endings: this is when the world is most unpredictable. ❞

Although it took me two weeks to finish this book, I still going to admit that I truly enjoyed reading this book. This sounds cliché but I’ll probably pick Bridget Collins’ book shortly.

Well— there are so many characters in this book, and even though there are many POVs from different characters, made it quite complicated and tricky to connect with any of the characters in this book, particularly. Because of that, I think one of the characters is not executed well. Not only were many characters that are hard to follow but I also thought this book was so slow, it just took me a long moment to get anywhere even tho I love how this book was so descriptive in every detail which I enjoyed. I believe, for some people this going to be a “boring” book but for those who love to read illustrative books with historical and dark academia as the main genre, this one is pretty fascinating and mesmerising. 

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Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa

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emotional lighthearted reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ I don’t think it really matters whether you know a lot about books or not. That said, I don’t know that much myself. But I think what matters far more with a book is how it affects you. ❞

This book really spoke to me. I had the constant feeling that I was staring at myself in the mirror while reading this book. Though it may sound corny, this book describes how to look within myself for purpose in life and it’s at the bookstore. However, I think it’s fantastic that each character in this novel has had personal growth; it adds to the book’s captivating atmosphere. I really appreciate how this book was chock-full of allusions to other Japanese authors; it was a great way to get me interested in reading and exploring other works.
Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King

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hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


❝ Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it. ❞

I promise that this book was good. Simply said, this is an example of the writer's ability to communicate with readers directly through interesting, relatable, and approachable language.
Book of Night by Holly Black

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adventurous challenging dark mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ The universe belongs to the curious. ❞

*take a deep breath* I expected lots of fortes when I took the yields of this book just because I enjoyed Holly Black’s previous books. Plus, the concept of this book sounds promising, not going to lie. —Where shadows can work magic, but only for those who have the ability to awaken, or hasten, their shadows— But, since this book is about Holly Black’s first adult debut, I can tell the worldbuilding was a bit difficult to follow. I mean, some aspects sound pretty much disconnected. Not in the usual romantic sense, but rather in a darker, more gothic one, which is what I found more enjoyable, this book was also more romantic than I had anticipated. All things considered, a fantastic read with fantasy, romance, and mystery components.

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Tuan Presiden (El Señor Presidente) by Miguel Ángel Asturias

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dark sad slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


❝ Hukum? Tak lebih dari lelucon! ❞

Sejujurnya, buku ini merupakan buku terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia pertama yang saya baca sehingga rasanya cukup canggung dan kaku ketika mulai membaca bukunya. Namun, di awal buku sudah berhasil membuat saya terpesona dengan gaya penulisan Sang Alih Bahasa —atau mungkin, Sang Penulis—. Kalimat-kalimat dalam buku ini sangat menyejukkan ditambah dengan bumbu sastra dalam penulisannya, sungguh. Dalam buku ini, lebih banyak membahas mengenai kediktatoran yang dilakukan oleh Diktator Tuan Presiden kala itu, sesuai dengan genre yang diangkat. Betapa kejamnya seorang Penguasa Diktator yang tidak pernah ragu untuk melakukan hal apapun guna mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Tetapi sungguh disayangkan, ada beberapa kalimat yang terdengar aneh namun juga terkesan tidak sesuai, sehingga rasanya membuat saya penasaran dengan buku berbahasa Inggris-nya. Mungkin karena munculnya perasaan belum terbiasa yang akhirnya membuat saya sedikit bosan, terlebih beberapa kali saya menemukan kesalahan dalam penulisan buku ini. Namun, saya membaca versi digital, jadi rasanya kurang pas jika saya membahas hal tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, saya suka bagaimana penulis berhasil mengangkat sebuah kritikan dan celaan terhadap sistem pemerintahan diktator.
In the Presence of Absence by Mahmoud Darwish

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emotional inspiring reflective slow-paced


❝ How many times must I travel, migrate, or depart? And for your fate the distinction between traveling, migration, and departure never became clear, because words can encompass so much of the illusion of synonyms, and because metaphor is often subject to transformation: from “my homeland is not a suitcase” to “my homeland is a suitcase. ❞

❝ We, who have no existence in “the Promised Land,” became the ghost of the murdered who haunted the killer in both wakefulness and sleep, and the realm in-between, leaving him troubled and despondent. ❞

Darwish talked about his life and journey in Palestine, and also he depicted everything he encountered during the Nakbah, I— I don’t know what to say but this poetry was so heartbreakingly and tragically beautiful. I took a moment fo finish this book because I wanted to let everything in this book sink me in.
Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini

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emotional reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ Kelak, kalau kau jatuh cinta pada seorang laki-laki, kau harus mengumpulkan beratus-ratus pertanyaan yang harus kausimpan. Jangan pernah ada orang lain tahu bahwa kau sedang menguji dirimu apakah kau memilki cinta yang sesungguhnya atau sebaliknya. Bila kau bisa menjawab beratus-ratus pertanyaan itu, kau mulai memasuki tahap berikutnya. Apa untungnya laki-laki itu untukmu? Kau harus berani menjawabnya. Kau harus yakin dengan kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang kau munculkan sendiri. Setelah itu, endapkan! Biarkan jawaban-jawaban dari ratusan pertanyaanmu itu menguasai otakmu. Jangan pernah menikah hanya karena kebutuhan atau dipaksa oleh sistem. Menikahlah kau dengan laki-laki yang mampu memberimu ketenangan, cinta, dan kasih. Yakinkan dirimu bahwa kau memang memerlukan laki-laki itu dalam hidupmu. Kalau kau tak yakin, jangan coba-coba mengambil risiko. ❞

Buku ini merupakan buku pertama yang saya baca dengan latar belakang mengenai adat istiadat Bali. Jujur, bisa dikata bahwa melalui buku ini, saya banyak belajar mengenai kebudayaan Bali khususnya mengenai bagaimana kedudukan seorang perempuan dalam budaya Bali. Ya, buku ini mengusung tema Faminisme. Melalui buku ini, saya belajar mengenai keberagaman kehidupan masyarakat Bali, dari mulai budaya, tradisi, dan bagaimana terdapat banyaknya kasta namun tetap tidak mengindahkan sosok perempuan di Bali. Mengetahui bahwa pada masa itu, perempuan hanya dianggap sebagai sosok atau pemeran kedua dalam kehidupan. Bahwa kebudayaan dan adat istiadat setempat masih beranggapan bahwa perempuan adalah sosok yang rendah di banding laki-laki karena sistem patriarki kala itu. Padahal, perempuan dalam cerita buku ini digambarkan sebagai sosok yang kuat dan tangguh. Saya pun percaya, hingga saat ini, perempuan di Bali masih begitu kuat dan tangguh.
Terlebih dikarenakan dalam buku ini mengindahkan sudut pandang perempuan, maka di dalamnya terdapat banyak tokoh pertempuan dengan kehidupan yang berbeda namun masih dengan kesamaan bahwa perempuan kala itu selalu diperlakukan tidak adil dalam kebudayaan. Dengan pembahasan yang cukup berat dan rumit, saya rasa buku ini akan cocok jika dibaca di saat suasana pembaca sedang merasa nyaman. Maksud saya, ini adalah tipe bacaan yang akan membuat geram dan lelah jika dibaca ketika keadaan diri sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Namun, meskipun demikian, buku ini cukup menakjubkan dalam membahas mengenai kehidupan perempuan di Bali.
Serangkai by Valerie Patkar

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emotional medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


❝ Tetapi bukan masalah kalau kita nggak selalu bisa berani, Deverra. Karena manusia bukan hanya lahir dari tulang, melainkan juga hati. Semesta bukan hanya menciptakan tubuh, melainkan juga rasa. Dan waktu bukan hanya tentang hari esok, melainkan juga kemarin. ❞

Sebelum memutuskan membaca buku ini, kerap kali melihat banyaknya ulasan yang cukup menjanjikan. Namun, ternyata saya terlalu berekspetasi tinggi sehingga cukup merasa kecewa. Alur dalam buku ini cukup terkesan berantakan meskipun setiap perpindahan bagian terdapat penanda awal, namun dikarenakan terlalu banyaknya POV dengan alur yang maju mundur, hingga rasanya semuanya terkesan tanggung dan tergesa-gesa. Ada kala di mana ketika satu adegan sangat menyedihkan, namun perpindahan alur yang mendadak malah berakhir dengan perasaan tanggung. Meskipun dengan banyaknya POV bisa membuat pembaca merasa memahami setiap tokoh dalam buku ini, tetapi saya rasa perasaan tanggung ketika membaca buku ini cukup menganggu. Selebihnya, dengan narasi yang bisa dikata puitis dengan beberapa pesan yang berhasil tersampaikan; seperti bagaimana penulis berusaha menyampaikan bahwa setiap kesedihan dan penyesalan hanya akan terselesaian jika kita dapat menerima hal tersebut. Tidak perlu berlari dan beranggapan semuanya baik-baik saja padahal nyatanya hal tersebut masih sangat menyakitkan, maka terima dan terus jalani hidup dengan baik.

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