yourwordsmyink's reviews
176 reviews

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

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I'm going to be honest here, this book didn't have me from the start. The first few chapters were hard to get through, and I felt as if the book had been hyped up too much. It's never good to have too high expectations of anything. I also find books hard to read when I can't pronounce half of the character names or places. It pulls me out of the books too much, and soon I'm reading over characters because I don't know how to pronounce their names.

However, around chapter 5 I was completely hooked. Tomi Adeyemi does a beautiful job of crafting a believable world with a real conflict. She mirrors our world perfectly, showing the vicious cycle we seem to be caught in - hate and revenge followed by more hate and revenge. The scenes between Inan and Zélie were hands down my favourite scenes, and I can't remember the last time a book actually gave me SO MANY EMOTIONS about two characters. I love the premise of this story and I can't wait to see how it plays out.

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To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

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I have been eager to read this book ever since I saw it on bookstagram. I love mermaid adventures and this one tells a compelling, vicious story. A darker retelling of the classic Little Mermaid, Christo does not disappoint. If you’re looking for a fun retelling, this is not it. Sirens are a dangerous, vicious breed ruled by a murderous Sea Queen. Lira, the daughter of the Sea Queen, is the most dangerous of them all. She only steals the hearts of princes, earning her the notorious nickname; The Prince’s Bane.

Elias is heir to the Kingdom of Midas and a siren hunter. He and his crew of misfits and scoundrels are infamous in the 100 kingdoms. When a cruel twist of fate throws Lira and Elias together they go on a dark and dangerous journey to find the only thing that can kill the Sea Queen; the Second Eye of Keto. This adventure takes them across various Kingdoms and we get to meet Elias’ crew of misfits and pirates.

I also like the fact that it’s a standalone book. There aren’t many YA Fantasy standalones and sometimes it’s just not worth it to invest in a series. Christo has said that she’d bring out short stories, and I would love to learn more about the world she built. One of the best things about To Kill a Kingdom is the world it’s set in. The different countries are so different and diverse, and yet it feels completely natural that all these countries exist in the same world.

I definitely recommend this book.
Kraak by Rouxnette Meiring

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Kraak het my stomgeslaan. Dit is 'n fantastiese boek in 'n genre wat jy nie sommer in Afrikaans sal kry nie. Daar is 'n gaping in Afrikaans vir goeie tienerfiksie en daar is ook 'n gaping in die mark vir tienerboeke wat in Afrika afspeel. Dit was wonderlik om 'n avontuur te lees wat in plekke afspeel waar ek al was. Die bekende liggings het my in die boek ingetrek en het die gebeure meer werklik laat voel. 

Die wêreld wat Meiring geskep het is vreemd en gevaarlik. Die gediertes wat in hierdie wêreld bly is uniek en anders as enige iets wat jy gewoonlik in dystopiese fiksie kry. Dit is wonderlik vreemd en gooi jou so bietjie uit jou comfort zone uit. Meiring het dit reggekry om 'n outentieke wêreld te skep wat by jou sal bly lank nadat jy die boek klaar gelees het. 

Die karakters was nog 'n hoogte punt van die boek. Elkeen het 'n unieke persoonlikheid gehad en ek kon die meeste met Kara identifiseer. Nie een van ons hou baie van draf nie. Ek gee hierdie boek ook prys vir diversiteit, maar daar kort nog. Daar word slegs gepraat van 'n gay karakter, wat alreeds 'n stap vorentoe is vir 'n Afrikaanse boek, maar ek sou meer wou sien. Ek sou ook meer tyd saam met Mohlomi wou spandeer, en ek het baie van die vriendskap tussen hom en Kara gehou. 

Die rede hoekom hierdie boek net 4 sterre gekry het was die vreemde tyd-spronge. Kara-hulle se reis het nie altyd vir my so goed gevloei nie, en die hoofstukke vanuit Shaka se perspektief wat hier en daar ingegooi is het die pas gebreek. Ek het baie van Shaka se hoofstukke gehou, maar dit het nie vir my sin gemaak in hierdie narratief nie. Dit sou beter gewerk het as Shaka meer hoofstukke in die tweede boek kon kry, eerder as 'n paar random hoofstukke in hierdie boek. 

Ek het die boek baie geniet en kan nie wag vir die tweede avontuur nie.
Nine While Nine by Stasia Morineaux

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This was a really enjoyable read. I loved the look into the inner workings of death and the world hidden in our own. The main characters were fleshed out and Isabeau was a relatable and realistic character. I could not put his book down. Some moments felt like a forbidden guilty pleasure while others astounded me with their incredible imaginativeness. I loved the dark romance brewing between Isabeau and Gideon and I literally wanted to throw the book (in a good way) during certain scenes. I must have yelled "JUST KISS ALREADY" a thousand times. This is a fantasy adventure like no other. 

I wasn't a big fan of the world building and it could have been done better. Morineaux used a lot of Gaelic words and made up her own words that made it difficult for me to understand the roles of various people. I don't want to constantly flip to the glossary when the characters are talking, and not being a native English speaker makes it more difficult to pronounce the words. 

There was also too much waffle and not enough action. I felt like certain conversations were replayed over and over again, and Isabeau never really got the answers she wanted or needed. The book started off well, dragged in the middle, picked up again, and the dragged toward the end. The pacing was weird and I would have liked to see more diversity in the book. 
Small Spaces by Sarah Epstein

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I don't normally read thrillers, but OH BOY did I love this one. I quickly read like 30 pages when I had a break between classes and I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day because I was desperate to find out what happened. The writing style was flawless and immediately pulled me into the book. The characters were genuine and fleshed out and I constantly questioned their motives. 

We're introduced to a gay character from the start and I love books with good representation. Tash' anxiety and claustrophobia are portrayed very well and we get a very real look at what anxiety attacks look like. Mental illness is not beautiful, as so many books make it out to be, and the fear and panic really hit you hard in this book. 

It was a wonderful read that had me looking under my bed every five minutes to make sure Sparrow wasn't waiting for me. 
Grace and Fury by Tracy Banghart

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3.5 Stars

I have so many mixed feelings about this book. I had to review my rating system because the book was good, but I didn't feel like it deserved four stars. But I also felt it wasn't bad enough to get three stars, hence the 3.5 stars. I love books about women empowerment, and I loved both Nomi and Serina. Unfortunately, this book was just too much Red Queen and The Selection. I did enjoy it, the writing was effortless and easy to read, it was just too predictable.

I would definitely pick up the second book, and I'm hoping for more originality from it. The world Banghart created is unique and vivid and I can't wait to see it be further developed. I also loved the character development both girls went through, and I can't wait to see more of them.

I completely identify with Nomi, and if I had to live in the world she lives in, we would be exactly alike. She's fierce and feisty and doesn't let any man stand in her way. I liked the reversal of their roles. Nomi never trained to be a Grace, yet she was chosen to be one. She was thrown into the deep end, but I loved how she handled the challenges thrown at her.

Serina had the best character development in the series. She was raised to be submissive and to follow the rules men set out for her. She is then sent to an island prison where the guards force the women to fight each other to the death in order to earn rations for their respective crews. She learns how to empower women and convinces the women on the island to lifting each other up to incite a rebellion. I love how she finds her own inner strength, but her love story felt a little forced to me.

I am excited about the second book, and I believe it can only get better from here.

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Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

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I loved this book. I'm going to rave about it today. I'm a true crime fanatic, and the Jack the Ripper case has always intrigued me. I have all the Ripper case files, notes, crime scene pictures, newspaper clippings, everything. I even did a presentation on him (or her, I kinda like that theory) in high school. This book appealed to my inner Sherlock Holmes. I love a good mystery, and the dark twist at the end gave me so much satisfaction (not in a weird way).

Maniscalco's writing style is amazing. It pulls you right in and it's very easy to read. The feminist in me also wanted to yell most of the time, this book gave me so many emotions. Audrey Rose is not a normal 1800's woman. She's fascinated by science and medicine, but her father doesn't approve at first. The book is macabre and gruesome and morbidly fascinating. I would give anything to be Audrey Rose, solving crimes with the handsome Mr Cresswell. The vivid and gruesome descriptions only add to the realism of it all, making me feel as if I'm right there with Wadsworth and Cresswell. I would read this book over and over, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next one.
Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh

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What a rollercoaster ride of a book. I enjoyed every minute of it. Welch created a believable world that I would love to get lost in. I love urban fantasy and this book blended the real world and the fantasy worlds created by the Dreamers together seamlessly. The book comes with a glossary of terms, but I never once looked at it because it was so easy to follow Teej's explanations and understand the mythology of the world. Exposition is done really well and in a way that seems completely natural.

Welch brings nightmares to life with a truly terrifying antagonist and horrifying dreams and creatures. His writing is so vivid and clear, this book was a joy to read. The only complaint I have is some weird pacing here and there, but overall the book was stunning. Welch created a haze and pulled all his readers in for a journey of a lifetime. His characters are well developed and at home in the world they live in. Anna's journey is believable and easy to follow and I can't wait for it to continue in the second book.