❝ I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself. ❞
Before jumping to the story, the first thing I noticed was how the ‘most’ publisher decided to put bugs on the cover, despite Franz Kafka’s opposition to the idea. He believed that the book represented how humans feel their insignificance, so it’s upsetting that his request was ignored, which was quite disappointing.
Back to the topic, “The Metamorphosis” is a thought-provoking exploration of human nature and relationships, as well as a critique of capitalism. The emotional impact of the story resonated deeply with me, even bringing me to tears. Kafka’s ability lies in seamlessly blending the absurd with the profoundly human, creating a narrative that is impossible to forget.
And what struck me the most about “The Metamorphosis” was its ability to evoke both empathy and unease simultaneously. I’ve read other work from Kafka, and I believe, Kafka’s work forces readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the human experience and consider their roles within society.
Despite its peculiarity, this book is worth reading because of its originality and uniqueness. Although most of the stories are not my cup of tea, I still found them compelling and It’s a type of literary journey that stays with me long after I’ve finished reading, inspiring introspection and leaving a haunting impression.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
❝ Revenge begets revenge; the anger is unquenchable. We become the monsters we are trying to punish. Justice, however, brings closure, and that is what I want. It can only be achieved by remaining sober-minded and rational. And, in the end, it is not my place to punish the prince. It is the king’s, and only the king’s. All I can do is find enough evidence to make the truth undeniable. ❞
Firstly, I was enthralled by the author's remarkable ability to transport readers to the lovely Joseon Dynasty Era in a wonderfully simple but vivid way. This book expertly avoids overwhelming me—the reader— with complex historical details, instead focusing on immersive storytelling and using traditions and culture to enrich the narrative. As I dug deeper into the story, I found myself not only interested in the plot but also developing a deep grasp of the intriguing and traditional parts of Korean culture.
Secondly, while my overall impression of the book was really positive, I did notice a few instances of repeating components that piqued my curiosity. Furthermore, I considered the finale of this book to be a little rushed, but not so much that it took away from my appreciation of the book overall.
Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone seeking a book that seamlessly weaves together a compelling crime mystery with a captivating sprinkle of historical fiction.
❝ Jika kamu punya keberanian untuk mengakhiri hidupmu sendiri, jalanilah hidupmu dengan keberanian itu ❞
Memutuskan untuk membaca buku ini karena blurb-nya cukup mengingatkan saya dengan K-Drama berjudul Move to Heaven. Setiap chapter dalam buku ini berisikan dengan kisah yang berbeda satu-sama lain, namun persamaan dari semuanya adalah bagaimana upaya penulis telah berhasil membawa diri saya untuk tenggelam dalam narasi yang berusaha disampaikan. Setiap kisah individu dalam buku ini digambarkan dengan begitu mencengangkan, serta menyajikan berbagai hal yang cukup menyentuh mengenai kehidupan orang-orang yang telah meninggal. Bagaimana sisa-sisa keberadaan mereka berbicara banyak, menawarkan pandangan mendalam tentang pengalaman mereka dan dampak yang mereka tinggalkan melalui barang-barang kepemilikan mereka yang telah tiada.
Saat saya membenamkan diri dalam buku ini, saya mendapati diri saya menyelami refleksi mendalam tentang keterkaitan hidup dan mati, menyadari bahwa keduanya saling berkaitan, bagaikan dua sisi mata uang koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Melalui buku ini, telah berhasil memberikan suatu perjalanan yang membuka mata, memberi saya pelajaran berharga tentang kompleksitas kehidupan dan warisan abadi dari mereka yang telah tiada.
❝ Most of you will die on a field you've never seen before, surrounded by strangers. What will all this talk of history and empire mean to you then? Is your life worth more than platitudes? ❞
I came across an enthralling young adult graphic novel that expertly delves into the captivating allure of empire, the intricate dynamics of marginalised people, the relentless pursuit of power, and the themes of camaraderie, cooperation, and valiant female protagonists wielding swords.
This book’s visual design is truly breathtaking; the exquisite artwork and the gripping storyline absolutely spellbound me. It successfully has left an enduring impression on me, and I find myself continually drawn back to its profound narrative. It presents a beautifully straightforward yet powerful message that lingers long after turning the final page.
❝ Everything had changed suddenly— the tone, the moral climate; you didn't know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life you had been led by the hand like a small child and suddenly you were on your own, you had to learn to walk by yourself. ❞
I enjoyed reading this book because the ability of the author’s eloquent depiction of the conflicting emotions that stemmed from the October Revolution and its consequences deeply resonated with me and significantly transformed my understanding of Russian history. Through the character, Yurii Zhivago, the book conveyed a profound perspective that helped me comprehend Russia’s central role, navigating through periods of both despair and hope. The intricately woven narrative vividly explores the interconnected fate of Yurii, his loved ones, and his friends with the soul of Russia.
The book is replete with powerful, emotional, and inspiring scenes that transcend the characters’ challenging circumstances. It adeptly elicited a wide spectrum of emotions within me, ranging from profound frustration and sorrow to amazement, optimism, and elation. I am safe to say, that this book has left an indelible impression on me, captivating my imagination and emotions long after reading it.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
❝ She is a ghost climbing out of the sea, returning to the spot where no one loved her quite enough to keep her safe. ❞
At first, I was quite hesitant to start reading this book. I had stumbled upon various conflicting reviews and wasn’t fully convinced that it would meet my expectations although I am quite enjoying reading the previous book. While it didn’t quite measure up to the emotional impact of the first book, it did manage to captivate me from the beginning of the story to the end. The book skillfully addressed lingering questions from “We Were Liars.”
Most significantly, it delved deep into the dynamics of the Sinclair family, which I love, shedding light on their shared values, deceptions, and hidden truths. In fact, decided to continue reading this book felt essential for a complete understanding of the entire story. While it didn’t evoke the same level of astonishment or emotion as its #1 book, it still proved to be a compelling and engrossing read for me. Likewise, it did manage to stir my emotions, which is definitely a noteworthy aspect.
❝ Ealah... Nduk, sekolah kok malah membuatmu tidak menjadi manusia. ❞
Memutuskan memilih dan membaca “Entrok, karya Okky Madasari” secara membabi buta, tanpa membaca uraian singkat atau ulasan apa pun sebelumnya. Yang mengejutkan saya, saya mendapati diri saya benar-benar asyik dengan cerita ini sejak awal.
Buku ini penuh dengan konflik pada setiap persoalan yang membuat saya terpikat sepanjang cerita. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa plotnya berkisar pada uang alih-alih sesuai judul ‘entrok’, penulis telah melakukan hal luar biasa dalam menyajikan topik tersebut dengan cara yang menggugah pikiran dan menarik.
Saat membaca, saya merasa judul bukunya tidak sesuai dengan isinya karena buku ini lebih banyak mengangkat tema uang/duit, bukan Entrok, dan penulis menampilkan berbagai karakter sedemikian rupa sehingga menunjukkan bagaimana uang dapat menimbulkan konflik dan ketegangan.
Secara keseluruhan, buku ini benar-benar singkat, padat, dan menyebalkan.
❝ Each and every reader comprehends the Qur’an/ Bible on a different level in tandem with the depth of his understanding. There are 4 levels of insight. The first level is the outer meaning and it is the one that the majority of people are content with. Next is the Batum- the inner level. Third there is the inner of the inner. And the fourth level is so deep it cannot be put into words and is therefore bound to be indescribable. Scholars who focus on the Sharia/ Bible know the outer meaning. Sufis/ Lightworkers know the inner meaning. Saints know the inner of the inner. The fourth level is known by prophets and those closest to God. So don’t judge the way other people connect to God. To each his own way and his own prayer. God does not take us at our word but looks deep into our hearts. It is not the ceremonies or rituals that make a difference, but whether our hearts are sufficiently pure or not. ❞
❝ How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves; We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we.❞
I cannot adequately express how much The Forty Rules of Love means to me. It has touched me deeply and left a profound impression on my heart and mind. The book is truly a masterpiece, and I'm not sure if I have the right words to describe its beauty and depth.
At first glance, one might assume that the book is just another romance novel, but this couldn't be further from the truth. This book is a novel that stands apart from the crowd. It is truly unique and unlike any other novel I have ever read. One of the things that I appreciate most about it is that it tells two parallel stories that eventually intersect, creating a beautiful and intricate tapestry that is both fascinating and fulfilling.
As I read through the pages of the book, I found myself completely engrossed in the two stories. The characters were so well developed and relatable that I felt as though I was living their lives with them. The stories were so well-written and engaging that I couldn't help but turn the pages to see what would happen next.
One of the things that I love most about this book is how it makes me feel. Reading this book is like being wrapped in a warm, comforting blanket on a cold winter's day. It soothes my soul and fills me with a sense of peace and contentment. After I finish reading it, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.
Last but not least, I highly recommend The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak to anyone who is looking for a book that is both engaging and thought-provoking. It is a book that will leave you feeling fulfilled and inspired, and one that you will want to read again and again. So, go ahead and get yourself a copy – you won't regret it! I promise.
❝ It sounds ridiculous and yet real and threatening—every house learning as you learn to live inside it. Every house listening. ❞ ❝ I am a tourist in the country where my parents were born. Even my clothes have been here before me. ❞
I completely concur with my opinion on the rarity of finding a good book about haunted houses that can live up to my expectations. However, I must say that this particular story impressed me beyond measure with its exceptional plot and captivating writing style. The author's ability to weave a web of suspense and tension around the readers is nothing short of remarkable. The way the plot unfolds, and the characters come to life, is a testament to the author's skill and creativity.
Despite not being particularly fond of horror, I found myself engrossed in this book's premise, which was intriguing and unique. The book introduces new Vietnamese voices to literature, which is a welcome shift from the conventional narratives we often come across. Furthermore, the author explores significant ideas related to colonialism in Vietnam, diaspora feelings, and identity.
The author utilizes horror as a tool to delve into these complex themes with precision and nuance. The way the author has executed this is awe-inspiring. The horror elements in the book are not merely for the sake of scaring the readers, but they serve a more profound purpose in the narrative, which is a hallmark of excellent horror writing.
Overall, I believe this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys horror, as well as those interested in exploring cultural themes and perspectives. The author's writing style, combined with a unique approach to horror, makes this book an enthralling and thought-provoking read.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Saya tertarik membaca buku "Perjalanan Mustahil Samiam dari Lisboa" karena sampulnya yang menawan dan beberapa kenalan yang sangat antusias merekomendasikannya kepada saya. Saya harus mengakui bahwa saya memiliki ekspektasi yang cukup tinggi terhadap buku ini bahkan sebelum memulainya. Menariknya, sekilas saya mengira buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari bahasa lain, sehingga mendorong saya untuk mencari versi aslinya. Namun yang mengejutkan saya, ternyata itu adalah karya Indonesia yang menceritakan kisah Eropa pada abad ke-16.
Buku ini diawali dengan membahas tentang penemuan buku harian Samiam yang ditemukan oleh Profesor Barend Hendrik van Laar. Hal ini memberi kesan kepada saya bahwa buku tersebut bukanlah karya seorang penulis Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, saya tertarik untuk membaca buku fiksi sejarah yang ditulis oleh seorang penulis Indonesia karena genre ini sangat saya sukai.
Saat saya mendalami buku ini lebih dalam, saya sangat terkejut dengan perhatian penulis terhadap detail dan kedalaman penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menciptakan cerita yang begitu mendalam dan berwawasan luas. Cara sejarah dijalin ke dalam alur cerita fiksinya sungguh luar biasa dan membuat saya terus terlibat sepanjang buku ini. Namun, ada beberapa bagian yang membuat saya merasa sedikit kurang puas, dan diksinya sedikit terlalu ringan untuk sebuah buku fiksi sejarah. Selain itu, saya merasa pengembangan karakternya agak canggung.
Terlepas dari kekurangan-kekurangan kecil ini, menurut saya buku ini menyenangkan untuk dibaca, dan membuat saya menginginkan lebih. Secara keseluruhan, “Perjalanan Mustahil Samiam dari Lisboa” adalah buku fiksi sejarah yang ditulis dengan baik yang dipadukan dengan gambaran gamblang perspektif unik tentang sejarah Eropa pada abad ke-16.