Do not read this as it’s insanely triggering for someone that’s struggling with either alcoholism and/or eating disorders! It’s so frustrating she keeps saying that she’s disgusting for eating half a cookie etc etc!!!
Ok so it’s short and sweet, the huge miscommunication is understandable when you realize they’re seventeen and have literally no experience in the real world. Lia says in the beginning that he’s the devil etc etc and they kiss like 10 chapters later.
Kinda bugs me that Pierce’s brother is very obviously autistic and is struggling but it’s played off like his quirks that make Pierce a good brother and “oh my dad wants him to be normal”.
God they’re really just out there fucking absolutely anywhere with no regards to anybody around them. Don’t get me wrong, I like smut and I was waiiiiiting for the joining but there is so much unnecessary smut in this series.
This series is reminding me so much of the Vampire Diaries, but only just because there are constantly new enemies and a “bigger badder wolf to kill.” I like the story and the characters but I just really don’t want to continue reading on when about 1000 pages or so of the total series have been so unnecessary and annoying. I’m happy with the way the book ended and even though the last chapter introduced a new threat I’m just going to ignore it. Thanks goodbye
I liked it but approximately nothing happened for about 75% of the book except banter… I still really wish there would’ve been a “Joining” but that’s just my love of smut 🤠📸