A review by woyster
The Nurse: Inside Denmark's Most Sensational Criminal Trial by Kristian Corfixen


Wish there was a middle rating for books that are perfectly just ok, but that doesn't really work in a 5 star system. If this was imdb I'd give a 6, a little over average, and enjoyable most of the way through. It was interesting but the ending about the court proceedings draged on a little and i don't personally find that part as interesting. Thanks to recency effect it makes me like the book less. Sadly almost all true crime books suffer from this problem so I'm trying to not let it cloud my judgment too much.

I think my only other problem with the book comes from me reading the audiobook version. The narrator does not know any Danish what so ever, no name is pronounced right, no newspaper or organization name is either. Great narrator otherwise but maybe not the man for this job or he should have been paid to practice, because it is distracting to think a person is a woman for 30 min because a name is pronounced "Ane" and not "Arne" which i later assumed was actually his name. As someone who understands Danish i couldn't even guess to what he was trying to say when he'd say anything Danish. For a long time i thought the name of an organization was the name of a section of Danish law, I'm still not sure which it was now after the fact. I guess that might be on the author too, but it was very distracting trying to understand when it's said all wrong so I might have missed some context due to that.

Overall decent true crime book. Don't recommend the audiobook to Scandinavians.