The Final Adventures of Puss-Puss: Puss-Puss, the Red, the Selki, the Tunneling Hump, Happy Hibernation, Sprung & the Final Adventure by Elspeth Grace Hall

The Final Adventures of Puss-Puss: Puss-Puss, the Red, the Selki, the Tunneling Hump, Happy Hibernation, Sprung & the Final Adventure

Adventures of Puss-Puss

Elspeth Grace Hall with Elspeth Grace Hall (Illustrator), Richard J. Hall Dsm (Illustrator)

52 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction childrens
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These are the wonderful stories of Puss-Puss as she meets friends and has exciting adventures in the big outside. The adventures of Puss-Puss continue as she meets a Red, saves a Selki, solves the mystery of the Tunnelling Hump, wishes her friends...

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