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159 pages • missing pub info (editions)
Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Sullivan Production / Leo Sullivan Presents
Publication date: Not specified
On the Run by Shanny, Coco J. is a gripping and emotional page-turner that will captivate readers who crave stories of love, loyalty, and the unbreakable bonds between partners, particularly those who enjoy tales of strong-willed women and devoted relationships that can withstand even the toughest challenges.
Brianna, the sidepiece, decided that she wasn't getting anymore abortions to keep their relationship on the low so she decided she was keeping the baby. Romans declares the baby is not his and cuts Brianna off all together because he can’t lose Ma...
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159 pages • missing pub info (editions)
Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Sullivan Production / Leo Sullivan Presents
Publication date: Not specified
On the Run by Shanny, Coco J. is a gripping and emotional page-turner that will captivate readers who crave stories of love, loyalty, and the unbreakable bonds between partners, particularly those who enjoy tales of strong-willed women and devoted relationships that can withstand even the toughest challenges.
Brianna, the sidepiece, decided that she wasn't getting anymore abortions to keep their relationship on the low so she decided she was keeping the baby. Romans declares the baby is not his and cuts Brianna off all together because he can’t lose Ma...
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